The Club commenced playing men’s Badge in 1921 – the financial statement at 31 July 1921 has the entry “Affiliation Capitation and Badge Team Fees £5 6s”.
The Club won its first Badge in 1922 in men’s grade 2/2.
The Ladies commenced playing Badge in 1929.
Badge is the most prestigious and competitive inter-club competition for Mens and Ladies teams from clubs throughout the Sydney metropolitan area. Autumn Badge runs from April to August and, in some years, a Spring Badge from August to November. Our club selectors are elected each year by the members to select teams. Beecroft teams play on our natural grass courts while other clubs have either lawn or synthetic grass courts. Each player selected pays a Badge fee.
Alan Schubert played tennis at the Beecroft Lawn Tennis Club and at the Cheltenham Recreation Club and made many friends at both Clubs. Upon his death, the Schubert family donated the Schubert Shield, in his memory, for an annual tennis match between the Beecroft and Cheltenham Clubs. The first Schubert Shield match was held in 1961.
Each year BLTC runs the Club Championships for all Members, with winners' names added to the honour boards and trophies. Events include Open Mens and Ladies Singles and Doubles, and Mixed Doubles.
In 1913 the first Women's Singles was run - with Miss Murray the winner.
In 1916 the first Men’s Singles was run - with A.C.Holt the winner.